Tony Contarini
Automobile Mechanics Teacher
I’m Tony Contarini, an Auto Mechanic’s Teacher at Laurier Macdonald Career Center, with over 35 years of experience in the automotive industry.
My cousin, who was car sales representative, introduced me to the automobile industry at the age of 13. Growing up in a bad neighbourhood, he decided to take me under his wing and kept me preoccupied after school and on weekends by making me perform several tasks on vehicles that he had purchased for resale. The tasks he made me perform targeted vehicle esthetics, like washing interiors and exteriors of the vehicles, and using tools for the first time like electric buffers to apply and remove wax sealant. He also made me perform minor mechanical repairs, like replacing burnt light bulbs, broken mirrors, oil changes, and replacement of parts that he had previously diagnosed that needed servicing, again using power tools that he owned.
Fueled by my newfound passion, I registered in the Auto Mechanics program that was offered back then at Laurier Macdonald High School in 1988. Which led me to acquiring my competency card in Automobile Mechanics. The company instantly hired me where I had accomplished my internship, which was Versailles Ford in 1988 to 2001. I gained most of my knowledge in the automotive industry there, and unfortunately, the company expired which pushed me in the direction of exploring new career paths like Landscaping and Janitorial tasks, which were not catered to my needs and made me unhappy in what I was doing.
I then decided to add to my previously acquired knowledge in automobile mechanics to other aspects related to the automobile industry, so I registered to take a course as an Auto Body Consultant in 2002 to enrich my knowledge in the automobile industry. From 2006 to 2014, three companies employed me, Concordia Auto Ltee., Alex Pneu / Mecanique and Montreal Nord Kia, who had the mandate by the SAAQ to perform safety inspections. My primary task was to perform Mechanical, Technical and Artisanal Inspections on vehicles eligible to pass safety inspections to meet specific specifications, before acquiring the right to register these vehicles for public road use.
The ultimate career change happened to me in 2014. I received a proposal to teach the Auto Mechanics program at Laurier Macdonald Career Center, so I accepted this new career change knowing that I would have go back to school to acquire the necessary knowledge to teach the trade. This career change made me rekindle my passion for the automobile and gave me the privilege to pass down the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my career in the automobile industry to the future generation of Automobile Mechanics. It also gave me the chance to continue to upgrade my credentials and acquire new knowledge to be up to date with the latest technology that’s presently being used on today’s vehicles, so that when the students start their career as auto technicians, they will have the appropriate knowledge to meet industry standards.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Auto Mechanics Program, we also offer Student for a Day incentive for you to experience what we have to offer. You can contact me either by phone or by email to discuss the possibility of joining our team and to start preparing for your future.